Saturday, 5 February 2011


Dear SELF, About almost 85% world population regularly think of some super power unknown controls every thing in this wonderful creation which we all enjoy. It is everybody's right and the property of selected few. But it is generally labelled to certain individual groups historically which is wrong according to Sanatana Dharma.
Sandhyavandanam means a ritual carried out just before Sunrise and just after sunset and these two periods are considered more auspicious and some people insists that it should be done on midday (12.00 noon) and even some others go to the extent of doing at 12.00 midnight when the day ends and the next day begins.

It is a common belief among many only Brahmins should perform Sandhyavandanam especially after Upanayanam just before start learning life principles under a learned Guru. Some others believe even this is wrong. We are all Human and we are dividedd according the way, we think, speak and act and only these three aspects of life dictates who is who?

If we could understand various aspects of the rituals of SANDHYAVANDANAM, THEN WE SHOULD BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND WHO SHOULD PERFORM REGULARLY THIS RITUAL by clicking the link below

This is just a thought came to my mind early this morning and sharing with you all and let us hope that this message may add some value the way we live as humans

With Love, Light & Peace to all,